
Comments FAQ

How do I make a comment?

Simply click on the Comments bubble in the left sidebar of selected articles. You will be prompted to sign in or sign up to like or post a comment. You must also agree to our community guidelines to post a comment. 

Why aren’t comments available on every article?

We have handpicked the Aeon articles that we think will inspire engaging responses.

Why can I only make a one comment per piece? 

Commenting sections can descend into shouting matches and go off-topic quickly. We want to hear thoughtful, considered responses: we think this will improve the quality of our comments section, and make for a more interesting read.

Who can reply to comments?

Our editors and Aeon authors are looking forward to reading and engaging with your comments.

How long do I have to edit my comment? 

One hour.

Why can’t I delete my comment?

You can delete your comment at any time, unless it has been replied to by one of our editors or authors. 

Why has my comment been moderated?

Your comment has been moderated because it contravened our community guidelines. We reserve the right to edit, moderate, move or remove comments at any time, without prior notice.

Why do you have community guidelines?

The community guidelines are there to protect readers, writers, editors and commenters. They help foster a Comments section that is inclusive and civil, in which comments are of a high quality and of a thoughtful nature.