
Daphna Oyserman

Dean's Professor, Department of Psychology, USC

Dr Daphna Oyserman’s research examines how small changes in context can shift mindsets, and so the perceived meaning of behaviours and situations, with large downstream effects on important and consequential outcomes, including health and academic performance. Her theoretical and experimental work conceptualises the underlying processes, which she then translates into real-world interventions. One line of work focuses on cultural differences in affect, behaviour and cognition – how people feel, act and think about themselves and the world around them. A related second line of work focuses on racial, ethnic and social gaps in school achievement and health. Throughout, she examines how apparently ‘fixed’ differences between groups can, in fact, mask highly malleable situated processes that can be profoundly influenced through small interventions that shift mindset. Select publications are available at her personal webpage.

Written by Daphna Oyserman