

Essays and videos on the arts, literature, travel, rituals and celebrations
Black-and-white photo of a woman holding her child on a stone pier, with small wooden boats and a shoreline in the background.


Film and visual culture

The risk of beauty

W Eugene Smith’s photos of the Minamata disaster are both exquisite and horrifying. How might we now look at them?

Joanna Pocock

Painting of a rural street on a dark night featuring a two-storey white farmhouse, a red barn, powerlines, and a bright light in the centre.


Sleep and dreams

Spinning the night self

After years of insomnia, I threw off the effort to sleep and embraced the peculiar openness I found in the darkest hours

Annabel Abbs

Fresco fragment with geometric borders framing curved shapes representing waves crashing upon the shore, partially damaged.


Nature and landscape

Laughing shores

Sailors, exiles, merchants and philosophers: how the ancient Greeks played with language to express a seaborne imagination

Giordano Lipari

Wooden model of a sailing ship with multiple masts and detailed rigging on a white background.



A prisoner in Guantánamo finds some escape in building intricate model ships

6 minutes

Photo of two young Asian women wearing sunglasses sitting in the back of a pickup truck at an outdoor event with American flags and mountains.


Meaning and the good life

A Japanese religious community makes an unlikely home in the mountains of Colorado

9 minutes

Two older women wearing hats and sunglasses raise their arms in celebration at a street parade, with a purple background.


Sex and sexuality

From secret crushes to self-acceptance – a joyful chronicle of ‘old lesbian’ stories

29 minutes

A person in a workshop uses a tool to smooth wood. Wood shavings are scattered on the workbench.



Forging a cello from pieces of wood demands its own form of virtuosity

27 minutes

A brick house with a tiled roof, surrounded by a well-maintained garden with bushes and colourful flowers.



Falling for suburbia

Modernists and historians alike loathed the millions of new houses built in interwar Britain. But their owners loved them

Michael Gilson

A man playing a piano in a dark room with animated planets and stars floating around him, illuminated by soft light.



The rhythms of a star system inspire a pianist’s transfixing performance

5 minutes

Five differently coloured triangular wax crayon bars standing upright on a white surface.



Watch as Japan’s surplus trees are transformed into forest-tinted crayons

4 minutes

A walking figure made of black shapes, with a pink ticket for “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy as its body, on a yellow background.


Meaning and the good life

‘Everydayness is the enemy’ – excerpts from the existentialist novel ‘The Moviegoer’

2 minutes

Close-up of a person with glasses playing the violin, illuminated by colourful lights in the background.


Pleasure and pain

The volunteer musicians who perform in the aftermath of violence and tragedy

12 minutes

Aerial view of a large pipeline construction site with machinery and vehicles cutting through green fields and hills under a partly cloudy sky.


Nature and landscape

Land loneliness

To survive, we are asked to forget that our lands and bodies are being violated, policed, ripped up, silenced, sacrificed

Kelsey Day

Residential street with terraced houses and power plant cooling towers in the background, one of which has a mural depicting a sun and mountains.


Food and drink

Local tensions simmer amid a potato salad contest at the Czech-Polish border

14 minutes

Black and white snowy mountain scene with vehicles, overlaid by a large smear of vivid blue paint in the upper right area.



An Indigenous myth and a geological survey elicit two ways of knowing one place

4 minutes

Still life with musical instruments, sheet music, books, and a small statue on a table draped with a richly patterned red and gold curtain.



A novel kind of music

So-called ‘classical’ music was as revolutionary as the modern novel in its storytelling, harmony and depth

Joel Sandelson

Old photograph of a girl sleeping in a chair, a ghostly boy kneeling before her, and a ghostly girl standing by a wall with a religious tapestry.


Technology and the self

How the magic of photography brought Victorian England closer to the spirit realm

16 minutes

Aerial view of concentric snow tracks around a phone booth and street light. The artist walks in circles away from the center, dragging a suitcase behind her.



An artist endeavours to bring the Moon down to Earth in a ritual of yearning

5 minutes

Yellow warning sign with a black palm tree bent over in strong wind, signifying severe weather or wind conditions.


Information and communication

An animation built from road signs is a whirlwind study of flash communication

2 minutes

Painting of two clothed men and a naked woman picnicking in a forest, with another woman in the background near a pond.



Creating art that was aware of itself – and the viewer – made Manet the first modernist

15 minutes

A young girl in a pink dress stands on a step, holding the hand of an adult. Four adults are partially visible around her.


Biography and memoir

The adoption paradox

Even happy families cannot avoid the reality – my reality – that adoption is predicated on transacting the life of a child

Fiona Sampson

Handwritten notes in black ink on an open notebook, with red and black corrections.


Thinkers and theories

Paper trails

Husserl’s well-tended archive has given him a rich afterlife, while Nietzsche’s was distorted by his axe-grinding sister

Peter Salmon

Silhouette of a soldier with glowing eyes and helmet, holding a rifle, with a blurred, colourful background.


War and peace

A century later, can poetry help us make sense of the First World War’s horrors?

9 minutes

A detailed pencil sketch depicts a chaotic scene with fallen bodies, horses, and a broken chariot, with distressed figures in the foreground.


Life stages

What Michelangelo’s late-in-life works reveal about his genius – and his humanness

13 minutes