Writer, Freelance
Jay Griffiths is an award-winning author and contributor to The Guardian and Orion magazine. Her latest book is Tristimania: A Diary of Manic Depression (2016). She lives in Wales.
Rituals and celebrations
Daily grace
Everyday rituals are ephemeral prayers, a hint to the gods for protection, encircling life like a fragrant garland
Jay Griffiths
Politics and government
Fire, hatred and speed!
The glamour, bullying and violence of the libertarian alt-Right has a direct political ancestor, and it’s not Nazi Germany
Jay Griffiths
Schooled in nature
There’s a way to teach children without colonising their minds: the lifelong way of the indigenous people of Mexico
Jay Griffiths
Consciousness and altered states
Forests of the mind
What is the greatest human gift? It is metaphor, carrying a cargo of meaning across the oceans that divide us
Jay Griffiths