Brandon Keim is a freelance journalist specialising in science, nature and technology. His work has appeared in Wired, Nautilus and Scientific American Mind. He lives in Brooklyn.
Ecology and environmental sciences
A tale of three dogs
Coyotes, dingoes and wolves are all dogs, as intelligent and loyal as our familiars. Our treatment of them is unconscionable
Brandon Keim
Ecology and environmental sciences
Why we need to stop thinking so much about climate change
Brandon Keim
Earth is not a garden
Some of the world’s most powerful conservationists are giving up on wilderness. They are making a big mistake
Brandon Keim
Automation and robotics
I, cockroach
Do insects feel pain? Are they conscious? A science kit for at-home cyborg cockroaches provokes the hard questions
Brandon Keim
Being a sandpiper
Animals have thoughts, feelings and personality. Why have we taken so long to catch up with animal consciousness?
Brandon Keim