Editor, Psyche
Christian is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He also holds a Masters in neuroscience and PhD in cognitive neuroscience awarded through two Medical Research Council scholarships. Christian was the founding editor of the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest and an award-winning journalist on The Psychologist magazine. His books include The Rough Guide to Psychology, 30-Second Psychology and Great Myths of the Brain. His latest Be Who You Want: Unlocking the Science of Personality Change was awarded the annual book prize by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Christian has written for many international publications such as GQ, Wired, New York Magazine, BBC Future and The Guardian, and he’s answered readers’ questions on psychology and neuroscience for BBC Science Focus for nearly a decade. Christian will never forget holding a human brain in his hands as part of a neuroanatomy class, the grey mass so heavy as if filled still with memories and dreams.
Mood and emotion
Trigger warnings don’t help people cope with distressing material
Christian Jarrett
Acting changes the brain: it’s how actors get lost in a role
Christian Jarrett
Human evolution
Xenophobic one minute, tolerant the next: humans are strange primates
Christian Jarrett
Consciousness and altered states
Ketamine trips are uncannily like near-death experiences
Christian Jarrett
Life stages
To boost your self-esteem, write about chapters of your life
Christian Jarrett
Do you have a self-actualised personality? Maslow revisited
Christian Jarrett
Mood and emotion
Psychology’s five revelations for finding your true calling
Christian Jarrett
The bad news on human nature, in 10 findings from psychology
Christian Jarrett
Acting like an extravert has benefits, but not for introverts
Christian Jarrett
Mental health
Psychotherapy is not harmless: on the side effects of CBT
Christian Jarrett
Mental health
People not professionals
Training individuals to support one another through difficult times is a profound step forward in our mental health crisis
Arjun Kapoor & Jasmine Kalha
Consciousness and altered states
Animal, vegetable, mineral
Cruel and unscientific, the ‘vegetative state’ diagnosis stems from a hierarchical and bigoted view of all living things
Ben Platts-Mills
Teaching and learning
Learning styles don’t exist
A teaching approach that is based on students’ preferences sounds laudable. But this misunderstands how learning happens
Carl Hendrick
Mental health
The helpful delusion
Evidence is growing that mental illness is more than dysfunction, with enormous implications for treatment
Justin Garson
Psychiatry and psychotherapy
Bad therapy
Some psychotherapeutic approaches are not only ineffective, they’re actively harmful. We’re now starting to identify them
Yevgeny Botanov, Alexander Williams & John Sakaluk
Consciousness and altered states
Pivotal mental states
Spiritual highs and mental breakdowns are both products of the same evolved brain system granting us the power to transform
Ari Brouwer
Psychiatry and psychotherapy
The humane asylum
As a society we are failing people with severe, persistent mental illness. It’s time to reimagine institutional care
Madeleine Ritts & Daniel Rosenbaum
Film and visual culture
Fear not
You might think that horror movies are a delicious, trashy pleasure. But watching them has surprisingly wholesome effects
Mathias Clasen
Psychiatry and psychotherapy
It is a powerful, liberating therapy that lets you (literally) shift perspective on who you are, and who you could become
Scott Kellogg & Amanda Garcia Torres
Social psychology
A good scrap
Disagreements can be unpleasant, even offensive, but they are vital to human reason. Without them we remain in the dark
Ian Leslie
Mental health
The seed of suffering
The p-factor is the dark matter of psychiatry: an invisible, unifying force that might lie behind a multitude of mental disorders
Alex Riley
Sleep and dreams
Nightmares becalmed
I’m a dream engineer. Through touch, scent and sound, we help people rescript the dramas of their sleeping lives
Michelle Carr