Upon returning from film school in Poland to his home in Chicago for summer break, Tom Krawczyk finds that his family has an unexpected new member. In his absence, his mother Czesława Krawczyk-Miczejko has taken in an infant squirrel that seems to have fallen out of its nest and been left for dead in their yard. In his film My Duduś – the loving name his mother gave to the fragile creature – Krawczyk chronicles how she nursed the squirrel back to health with love and care until, inevitably, she had to let go. Krawczyk’s tender portrait mines big emotions from a small story, forming a tribute to his mother’s caring spirit and a study of the precarious nature of human-animal relationships.
Director: Tom Krawczyk
Producer: Nick J Santore
Sex and sexuality
From secret crushes to self-acceptance – a joyful chronicle of ‘old lesbian’ stories
29 minutes
Forging a cello from pieces of wood demands its own form of virtuosity
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Scenes from a school year paint a refreshingly nuanced portrait of rural America
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Watch as Japan’s surplus trees are transformed into forest-tinted crayons
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Meaning and the good life
‘Everydayness is the enemy’ – excerpts from the existentialist novel ‘The Moviegoer’
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Pleasure and pain
The volunteer musicians who perform in the aftermath of violence and tragedy
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Food and drink
Local tensions simmer amid a potato salad contest at the Czech-Polish border
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Technology and the self
A filmmaker finds a tactile beauty in the creation of her prosthetic leg
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War and peace
A war meteorologist’s riveting account of how the Allies averted a D-Day disaster
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