In the wake of the Manhattan Project, humanity, for the first time in its existence, became eminently capable of its own destruction. And it’s a reality we’ve been living with ever since. In fact, as the Australian physician and anti-nuclear activist Helen Caldicott details in this Oscar-winning short documentary from 1982, in the ensuing decades, the threat of annihilation became even more pronounced as new generations of nuclear weapons exponentially increased in destructive power. Filming Caldicott as she delivers a lecture on the history, threat and potential consequences of nuclear war, the Canadian director Terre Nash (then going by Terri Nash) intercuts brutal images of injuries caused by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. She juxtaposes these sequences with scenes from Second World War-era propaganda films from the United States, which portray the development of nuclear weapons as an exceptional accomplishment in US ingenuity. While inevitably an artefact of its time, watched four decades later, Caldicott and Nash’s unapologetic argument for nuclear disarmament remains a dire reminder of the unimaginable horrors that a full-scale nuclear war would truly entail.
From simple motors to levitating trains – how design shapes innovation
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Animals and humans
Are zoos and natural history museums born of a desire to understand, or to control?
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Family life
The migrants missing in Mexico, and the mothers who won’t stop searching for them
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Ecology and environmental sciences
The tree frog die-off that sparked a global mystery – and revealed a dark truth
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From Afghanistan to Virginia – the Muslims who fought in the American Civil War
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Family life
One family’s harrowing escape from postwar Vietnam, told in a poignant metaphor
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Fairness and equality
Visit the small Texas community that lives in the shadow of SpaceX launches
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War and peace
A frontline soldier’s moving account of the fabled ‘Christmas truce’ of 1914
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