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Legal and religious systems provide rules for living, telling us – often in very concrete terms – what we are and are not permitted to do. Break the rules and you go to jail, get fined, face censure, either on Earth or in the afterlife. By contrast, honour codes inform human action by trafficking in that intangible – but essential – currency: respect. In The Honor Code, the British-born Ghanaian philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah outlines a plan for social change that targets the concept of honour.
Director: Katy Chevigny
Language and linguistics
Why Susan listens to recordings of herself speaking a language she no longer remembers
5 minutes
Plato saw little value in privacy. How do his ideas hold up in the information age?
5 minutes
Information and communication
‘Astonished and somewhat terrified’ – Victorians’ reactions to the phonograph
36 minutes
From simple motors to levitating trains – how design shapes innovation
23 minutes
Animals and humans
Are zoos and natural history museums born of a desire to understand, or to control?
57 minutes
What’s an ancient Greek brick doing in a Sumerian city? An archeological investigation
16 minutes
Family life
The migrants missing in Mexico, and the mothers who won’t stop searching for them
21 minutes
Virtues and vices
Why Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith were divided on the virtues of vanity
5 minutes
Ecology and environmental sciences
The tree frog die-off that sparked a global mystery – and revealed a dark truth
15 minutes