In the short documentary Fitting, the Scottish filmmaker Caitlin McMullan finds beauty in the creation of her prosthetic leg, and in the unique connection between prosthetist and patient. The film captures how she and her prosthetist, Alison Morton, collaborate to produce the artificial limb via a sequence of measuring, moulding, fitting and feeling. Through her intimate self-portrait, McMullan offers a rare chance to see the extraordinary work that goes into this act of creation, which is at once scientific and methodical, yet also tactile and delicate. And, in her candid conversations with Morton, she provides a revealing look at the contrasting ways each views both the process and the object it produces.
Ageing and death
We’re not the only animals that appear to grieve. What are the implications?
6 minutes
Love and friendship
For two brothers who rely on one another, love is a daily act of devotion
11 minutes
How – and how not – to think about the role randomness plays in evolution
60 minutes
Meaning and the good life
A Japanese religious community makes an unlikely home in the mountains of Colorado
9 minutes
Sex and sexuality
From secret crushes to self-acceptance – a joyful chronicle of ‘old lesbian’ stories
29 minutes
Scenes from a school year paint a refreshingly nuanced portrait of rural America
25 minutes
The rhythms of a star system inspire a pianist’s transfixing performance
5 minutes
Watch as Japan’s surplus trees are transformed into forest-tinted crayons
4 minutes
Pleasure and pain
The volunteer musicians who perform in the aftermath of violence and tragedy
12 minutes