

Essays and videos on philosophy, the history of ideas, ethics and life’s big questions
Black-and-white photo of three Black men sitting at a table with microphones during a press conference. One of the men has a bandage on his head.


History of ideas

All that we are

The philosophy of personalism inspired Martin Luther King’s dream of a better world. We still need its hopeful ideas today

Bennett Gilbert

A black-and-white photo of soldiers in uniform checking documents of several men standing outdoors, with laundry hanging in the background.


Psychiatry and psychotherapy

Decolonising psychology

At times complicit in racism and oppression, psychology has also been a fertile ground for radical and liberatory thought

Rami Gabriel

A close-up drawing of a face with detailed patterns and a hand touching the face, using earthy tones and texture on a brown background.


Meaning and the good life

Beyond authenticity

In her final unfinished work, Hannah Arendt mounted an incisive critique of the idea that we are in search of our true selves

Samantha Rose Hill

Illustration of various human skulls and profiles with captions detailing different ethnic groups and regions, from a historical anthropological study.


History of ideas

Baffled by human diversity

Confused 17th-century Europeans argued that human groups were separately created, a precursor to racist thought today

Jacob Zellmer

Black and white photo of people sitting at a café, taken through a window with reflections. A sign saying ‘BUFFET FROID’ is visible.


Meaning and the good life

Philosophy was once alive

I was searching for meaning and purpose so I became an academic philosopher. Reader, you might guess what happened next

Pranay Sanklecha

Handwritten notes in black ink on an open notebook, with red and black corrections.


Thinkers and theories

Paper trails

Husserl’s well-tended archive has given him a rich afterlife, while Nietzsche’s was distorted by his axe-grinding sister

Peter Salmon

Medieval manuscript illustration of a goat and a person holding a disc, with gold circles in the background, surrounded by text in Latin script.


Philosophy of mind

The problem of erring animals

Three medieval thinkers struggled to explain how animals could make mistakes – and uncovered the nature of nonhuman minds

Sam Alma

A close-up of an orange and black butterfly perched on a leaf with a soft, pastel-coloured background.


History of ideas

Chaos and cause

Can a butterfly’s wings trigger a distant hurricane? The answer depends on the perspective you take: physics or human agency

Erik Van Aken

Illustration of soldiers in action, with one leading the charge and another crawling forward. Both wear military uniforms with helmets and carry rifles. The background is a vibrant red, enhancing the sense of urgency and movement.


Stories and literature

On Jewish revenge

What might a people, subjected to unspeakable historical suffering, think about the ethics of vengeance once in power?

Shachar Pinsker

Illustration of a classroom in ancient Rome with a female teacher in a toga addressing students who are listening intently. She holds a scroll and stands in front of busts on pedestals.


Thinkers and theories

A rare female scholar of the Roman Empire, Hypatia lived and died as a secular voice

5 minutes

A medieval painting shows three figures: one holds a balance scale, weighing objects; two robed figures stand nearby. There are coins on the table and intricate border details.


History of ideas

Reimagining balance

In the Middle Ages, a new sense of balance fundamentally altered our understanding of nature and society

Joel Kaye

A marble bust of Thucydides is shown on a page from an old book. The opposite page is blank.



What would Thucydides say?

In constantly reaching for past parallels to explain our peculiar times we miss the real lessons of the master historian

Mark Fisher

A group of people, some on horseback, gather in a desert area under a motorway bridge. Some have flags and banners. Police cars can be seen in the background.



What is ‘lived experience’?

The term is ubiquitous and double-edged. It is both a key source of authentic knowledge and a danger to true solidarity

Patrick J Casey

A still life painting featuring a white jug, an orange sphere, and two books against a deep blue background. The objects are arranged on a yellow-wooden and dark surface, with the orange resting on the book. The geometric composition is bathed in shadow and light.


Thinkers and theories

Philosophy is an art

For Margaret Macdonald, philosophical theories are akin to stories, meant to enlarge certain aspects of human life

Peter West

A colourful abstract image depicting intertwined organic shapes in shades of blue, green, and purple, with some pink accents.



The cell is not a factory

Scientific narratives project social hierarchies onto nature. That’s why we need better metaphors to describe cellular life

Charudatta Navare

People seated in a diner with red accents, a waitress serving, and a woman in a green sweater sitting by the window adjusting her hair.


Social psychology

The magic of the mundane

Pioneering sociologist Erving Goffman realised that every action is deeply revealing of the social norms by which we live

Lucy McDonald

A black and white photograph shows a woman on the edge of a sand dune overlooking the sea leaning back into a strong wind


Language and linguistics

Cathedrals of convention

Humans have a strong impulse to see things that are arbitrary or conventional as natural and essential – especially language

Reuben Cohn-Gordon

A colourful book illustration of a weary traveller in a forest being awoken by a peacock tugging at his sleeve


Comparative philosophy

Folklore is philosophy

Both folktales and formal philosophy unsettle us into thinking anew about our cherished values and views of the world

Abigail Tulenko

Two men escort a handcuffed man from a cabin with a wooden exterior. The men are wearing casual clothing, including a cowboy hat.


Information and communication

How to hate

The manifesto was always a hotheaded call to arms. Then it got a slick, digital makeover in the cause of coldblooded hate

Tyler Thier

Black-and-white photo of three dancers in dynamic poses; one man lifting a woman in a dress while another woman in a black dress dramatically leans back.


Thinkers and theories

Dancing and time

For Rachel Bespaloff, philosophy was a sensual activity shaped by the rhythm of history, embodied in an instant of freedom

Isabel Jacobs

Visualisation of a double spiral pattern representing Lorenz attractor with a smaller graph inset on the right showing a mathematical plot labelled Z_n-1.


Thinkers and theories

Henri Bergson on why the existence of things precedes their possibility

3 minutes

Handwritten text on squared paper, discussing the relationships between “laughs” and “cries” with overlapping oval diagrams illustrating various logical conditions.


Logic and probability

The patterns of reality

Some have thought that logic will one day be completed and all its problems solved. Now we know it is an endless task

Timothy Williamson

A graffitti sign in an underpass reads ‘Life is too short to be wasted on the pursuit of happiness’; it is reflected in pooling water underneath


History of ideas

Whither philosophy?

The discipline today finds itself precariously balanced between incomprehensible specialisation and cheap self-help

Siobhan Lyons

Painting of a group of soldiers aiming rifles, preparing to shoot kneeling and fallen prisoners, with a person surrendering in the background. Dark, dramatic sky.



Wrestling with relativism

Bernard Williams argued that one’s ethics is shaped by culture and history. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is right

Daniel Callcut