

Essays and videos on philosophy, the history of ideas, ethics and life’s big questions
Painting of an angel in an orange glow flying with small birds across a night sky over a cityscape and bare trees.


History of science

Legacy of the angels

When medieval scholars sought to understand the nature of angels, they unwittingly laid the foundations of modern physics

Rebekah Wallace

Black and white night photo of historic Gothic-style buildings with arched windows, towers and courtyards.


History of ideas

Ghosts among the philosophers

Cambridge, home of analytic philosophy, was also a hotbed of psychical research. How did this spooky subject take root?

Matyáš Moravec

Black and white photo of a man with glasses and a beard, resting his chin on his hand, wearing a suit.



Background music was the radical invention of a trailblazing composer

17 minutes

A photo of a person walking on a snowy path beside an icy river with floating ice chunks.


Thinkers and theories

The winter of civilisation

Byung-Chul Han’s relentless critiques of digital capitalism reveal how this suffocating system creates hollowed-out lives

Josh Cohen

A man speaking on stage with a headset microphone wearing glasses and a black sweater gesturing expressively with his hands.



What do past, present and future mean to a philosopher of time?

55 minutes

Black-and-white photo of two women preening a toddler who is sitting on a wall and sucking dummy, with a brick house and a washing line in the background.


Thinkers and theories

So many unmarried men

For Mary Midgley, the Western philosophical tradition is shaped by the fact that its greatest practitioners were bachelors

Ellie Robson

Surreal abstract painting with eyes, lips and leaf shapes in soft colours on paper.



Radical doodles – how ‘exquisite corpse’ games embodied the Surrealist movement

15 minutes

Medieval painting of a man in a cosmic circle with zodiac symbols surrounded by blue and red patterns.


History of science

The birth of naturalism

The modern era is often seen as the triumph of science over supernaturalism. But what really happened is far more interesting

Peter Harrison

Photograph of two silhouetted figures on a sunlit path surrounded by dark geometric shadows and structures.



The penumbral plunge

Diving into the ring of darkness beyond things easily answerable, asking ‘Why?’ questions is what make humans awesome

Eric Schwitzgebel

Painting of a stormy sea with two sailing ships in distress and people struggling on the rocky shore.


Beauty and aesthetics

In art, the sublime is a feedback loop, evolving with whatever’s next to threaten us

9 minutes

Historic photo of a large crowd gathered outside a gated building surrounded by trees, while two women in long dresses approach them from the building.


Thinkers and theories

Who can claim Aristotle?

The endless battle over his legacy testifies to his great authority – and the power of his thought to make the world better

Edith Hall

Painting of a man and woman in elegant 18th-century attire sitting on a pink sofa with ornate decoration.


History of ideas

Settling accounts

Before he was famous, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was Louise Dupin’s scribe. It’s her ideas on inequality that fill his writings

Rebecca Wilkin

Photo of an ancient male statue with a cloth draped over his shoulder and arm, three people are sitting on a bench to the side of the statue


Thinkers and theories

The value of our values

When Nietzsche used the tools of philology to explore the nature of morality, he became a ‘philosopher of the future’

Alexander Prescott-Couch

Painting of two men sitting in a barn, one on a bench and the other on a chair, with a horse and pumpkins in the background.


History of ideas

Philosophy of the people

How two amateur schools pulled a generation of thinkers from the workers and teachers of the 19th-century American Midwest

Joseph M Keegin

Silhouette of baobab trees against a vibrant orange sunset with the sun peeking through the branches of the largest tree.



Seeing plants anew

The stunningly complex behaviour of plants has led to a new way of thinking about our world: plant philosophy

Stella Sandford

A painting of the back of a framed artwork with an attached small paper labelled ‘36’. The wood shows some nails and slight wear.




Knowledge is often a matter of discovery. But when the nature of an enquiry itself is at question, it is an act of creation

Céline Henne

Black-and-white photo of three Black men sitting at a table with microphones during a press conference. One of the men has a bandage on his head.


History of ideas

All that we are

The philosophy of personalism inspired Martin Luther King’s dream of a better world. We still need its hopeful ideas today

Bennett Gilbert

A black-and-white photo of soldiers in uniform checking documents of several men standing outdoors, with laundry hanging in the background.


Psychiatry and psychotherapy

Decolonising psychology

At times complicit in racism and oppression, psychology has also been a fertile ground for radical and liberatory thought

Rami Gabriel

A close-up drawing of a face with detailed patterns and a hand touching the face, using earthy tones and texture on a brown background.


Meaning and the good life

Beyond authenticity

In her final unfinished work, Hannah Arendt mounted an incisive critique of the idea that we are in search of our true selves

Samantha Rose Hill

Illustration of various human skulls and profiles with captions detailing different ethnic groups and regions, from a historical anthropological study.


History of ideas

Baffled by human diversity

Confused 17th-century Europeans argued that human groups were separately created, a precursor to racist thought today

Jacob Zellmer

Black and white photo of people sitting at a café, taken through a window with reflections. A sign saying ‘BUFFET FROID’ is visible.


Meaning and the good life

Philosophy was once alive

I was searching for meaning and purpose so I became an academic philosopher. Reader, you might guess what happened next

Pranay Sanklecha

Handwritten notes in black ink on an open notebook, with red and black corrections.


Thinkers and theories

Paper trails

Husserl’s well-tended archive has given him a rich afterlife, while Nietzsche’s was distorted by his axe-grinding sister

Peter Salmon

Medieval manuscript illustration of a goat and a person holding a disc, with gold circles in the background, surrounded by text in Latin script.


Philosophy of mind

The problem of erring animals

Three medieval thinkers struggled to explain how animals could make mistakes – and uncovered the nature of nonhuman minds

Sam Alma

A close-up of an orange and black butterfly perched on a leaf with a soft, pastel-coloured background.


History of ideas

Chaos and cause

Can a butterfly’s wings trigger a distant hurricane? The answer depends on the perspective you take: physics or human agency

Erik Van Aken