Philosophy of science
Aha = wow
We surveyed thousands of scientists in four countries and learned just how important beauty is to them
Bridget Ritz & Brandon Vaidyanathan
Stories and literature
Laboratories of the impossible
By testing the boundaries of reality, Spanish-language authors have created a sublime counterpart to experimental physics
Joshua Roebke
Philosophy of science
The nature of natural laws
Physicists and philosophers today have formulated three opposing models that explain how laws work. Which is the best?
Mario Hubert
Philosophy of science
Elusive but everywhere
A new theory argues that unseen ‘fields’ guide all goal-directed things in the Universe, from falling rocks to voyaging turtles
Daniel W McShea & Gunnar O Babcock
Philosophy of science
The forces of chance
Social scientists cling to simple models of reality – with disastrous results. Instead they must embrace chaos theory
Brian Klaas
Philosophy of science
Life makes mistakes
Hens try to hatch golf balls, whales get beached. Getting things wrong seems to play a fundamental role in life on Earth
David S Oderberg
History of science
Clock time contra lived time
Henri Bergson and Albert Einstein fundamentally disagreed about the nature of time and how it can be measured. Who was right?
Evan Thompson
Desperate remedies
In order to make headway on knotty metaphysical problems, philosophers should look to the methods used by scientists
Nina Emery
Seeing plants anew
The stunningly complex behaviour of plants has led to a new way of thinking about our world: plant philosophy
Stella Sandford
Quantum theory
Quantum dialectics
When quantum mechanics posed a threat to the Marxist doctrine of materialism, communist physicists sought to reconcile the two
Jim Baggott
Science must become attuned to the subtle conversations that pervade all life, from the primordial to the present
David Waltner-Toews
History of science
The missing conversation
To the detriment of the public, scientists and historians don’t engage with one another. They must begin a new dialogue
Lorraine Daston & Peter Harrison
When aggression is viewed as brilliance, it hurts women in science, and science itself
5 minutes
Philosophy of science
Why not scientism?
Science is not the only form of knowledge but it is the best, being the most successful epistemic enterprise in history
Moti Mizrahi
History of science
Machina mundi
How medieval thinkers foreshadowed modern physics in investigating the character of machines, devices and forces
Henrik Lagerlund & Sylvain Roudaut
Thinkers and theories
Bernard Williams on Descartes’s audacious endeavour to prove knowledge is possible
43 minutes
A sliver of reality
Science and mathematics may never fully capture the physical universe. Are there hard limits to human intelligence?
David H Wolpert
Thinkers and theories
The lady vanishes
The history of ideas still struggles to remember the names of notable women philosophers. Mary Hesse is a salient example
Ann-Sophie Barwich
Philosophy of science
What is a law of nature?
Laws of nature are impossible to break, and nearly as difficult to define. Just what kind of necessity do they possess?
Marc Lange
Logic and probability
The unresolved probability paradox that goes to the heart of scientific objectivity
8 minutes
Quantum theory
Mind-bending new quantum experiments are blurring past, present and future
10 minutes
History of science
Fringe theories stack
Believe in the Loch Ness monster and you’re more likely to believe the Apollo missions were fake. How do weird beliefs work?
Michael D Gordin
History of science
Calculate but don’t shut up
The cliché has it that the Copenhagen interpretation demands adherence without deep enquiry. That does physics a disservice
Jim Baggott
Philosophy of science
The beautiful experiment
Science has become extraordinarily technocratic and complex. Is the simple and decisive experiment still a worthy ideal?
Milena Ivanova