Language and linguistics
Why Susan listens to recordings of herself speaking a language she no longer remembers
5 minutes
The script creator
Pau Cin Hau dreamt of an alphabet for a language that had never been written down. So began the religion of Laipianism
Bikash K Bhattacharya
Human reproduction
Baby talk
When babies are born, they cry in the accent of their mother tongue: how does language begin in the womb?
Darshana Narayanan
Language and linguistics
The little Peruvian guide to public speaking that conjures up a grandiose world
7 minutes
Language and linguistics
Closed captions suck. Here’s one artist’s inventive project to make them better
8 minutes
Language and linguistics
Cathedrals of convention
Humans have a strong impulse to see things that are arbitrary or conventional as natural and essential – especially language
Reuben Cohn-Gordon
Philosophy of language
Metaphors make the world
Woven into the fabric of language, metaphors shape how we understand reality. What happens when we try using new ones?
Benjamin Santos Genta
Language and linguistics
Our language, our world
Linguistic relativity holds that your worldview is structured by the language you speak. Is it true? History shines a light
James McElvenny
Human rights and justice
‘I know that change is possible’ – a Deaf prison chaplain’s gospel of hope
18 minutes
Philosophy of language
The geometry of other people
Some friends are ‘close’. Others are ‘distant’. But our spatial descriptions of social life are more than just metaphors
David Borkenhagen
Language and linguistics
Messages born of melody – hear the whistled language of the Hmong people
18 minutes
Stories and literature
A French Creole folktale nearly lost to time is given new, gorgeously animated life
6 minutes
Language and linguistics
Language is medicine
For First Nations people, health is not a matter of mechanical fitness of the body, but of language, identity and belonging
Erica X Eisen
Philosophy of language
Quantum poetics
How Borges and Heisenberg converged on the notion that language both enables and interferes with our grasp of reality
William Egginton
Language and linguistics
A master palindromist spells out his 40-year ‘love affair with reversibility’
6 minutes
Language and linguistics
The problem with English
Is Earth’s most-spoken language a living ‘gift’ or a many-headed ‘monster’? Both views distract us from the real dilemma
Mario Saraceni
Global history
After the mother tongues
Cultural exchange between Iran and India led to the creation of literary histories that inspired modern nationalism
Alexander Jabbari
Yes, the Inuit have dozens of words for snow – but what does each one mean exactly?
6 minutes
Language and linguistics
The polyglots of Dardistan
At the crossroads of south and central Asia lies one of the world’s most multilingual places, with songs and poetry to match
Zubair Torwali
The ancient world
Cracking the Cretan code
Linear B has yielded its secrets, but Linear A remains elusive. Can linguistic analysis unlock the meaning of Minoan script?
Ester Salgarella
Language and linguistics
Typos, tricks and misprints
Why is English spelling so weird and unpredictable? Don’t blame the mix of languages; look to quirks of timing and technology
Arika Okrent
Language and linguistics
Africa writes back
European ideas of African illiteracy are persistent, prejudiced and, as the story of Libyc script shows, entirely wrong
D Vance Smith
Beauty and aesthetics
Komorebi: ‘a dance of shadows emerging when sunlight filters through trees’
4 minutes
Language and linguistics
Ums, likes and y’knows get no respect – but they’re vital to conversation
6 minutes