

Essays and videos exploring physics, evolution, cosmology and other frontiers in science
Microscope photo of a flea’s head showing detailed orange and black features against a black background.



‘Save the parasites’ may not be a popular rallying cry – but it could be a vital one

11 minutes

Black and white close-up photo of a lizard with its tongue extended, about to catch a worm. The background is dark and blurred.



The many ways a lizard tongue sticks, grasps, pinches and plops – in slo-mo

6 minutes

Black and white photograph of a cloudy sky with swirling lines resembling bird flight patterns.



Starlings swoosh like brushstrokes across the sky in this dazzling short

3 minutes

A brown wren standing on a rock with a blurred background.



In praise of subspecies

To lump or to split? Deciding whether an animal is a species or subspecies profoundly influences our conservation priorities

Richard Smyth

Line drawing of a frog from a below perspective, with circles of various sizes indicating ripples.


Ecology and environmental sciences

The tree frog die-off that sparked a global mystery – and revealed a dark truth

15 minutes

A small animal curled up asleep on brown moss against a black background illuminated by a spotlight.



Could humans hibernate?

Hibernation allows many animals to time-travel from difficult times to plenty. Could humans learn how to do it too?

Vladyslav Vyazovskiy

A sea turtle swimming underwater in clear turquoise water with sunlight shimmering on the surface.


Philosophy of science

Elusive but everywhere

A new theory argues that unseen ‘fields’ guide all goal-directed things in the Universe, from falling rocks to voyaging turtles

Daniel W McShea & Gunnar O Babcock

Aerial view of a coastal area at dusk with multiple streaks of red light travelling over water and land, illuminating the landscape.


Ecology and environmental sciences

GPS tracking reveals stunning insights into the patterns of migratory birds

6 minutes

Photo of two grey birds on a rock by water, one standing and the other appearing to crash land into the rock, neck bent with wings raised; green reeds in background.


Philosophy of science

Life makes mistakes

Hens try to hatch golf balls, whales get beached. Getting things wrong seems to play a fundamental role in life on Earth

David S Oderberg

3D rendering of a green, abstract, textured structure resembling dense tangled fibres on a black background.



This intricate map of a fruit fly brain could signal a revolution in neuroscience

2 minutes

Close-up photo of butterfly wing scales in shades of orange, pink, white and black arranged in a mosaic-like pattern.



Brilliant dots of colour form exquisite patterns in this close-up of butterfly wings

3 minutes

A kingfisher underwater catching a fish amid rising bubbles.



Problem-solving matter

Life is starting to look a lot less like an outcome of chemistry and physics, and more like a computational process

David C Krakauer & Chris Kempes

Illustration of a dodo bird with grey feathers, brown beak, and stubby wings, standing on a grassy, sandy ground.



How – and how not – to think about the role randomness plays in evolution

60 minutes

Silhouette of baobab trees against a vibrant orange sunset with the sun peeking through the branches of the largest tree.



Seeing plants anew

The stunningly complex behaviour of plants has led to a new way of thinking about our world: plant philosophy

Stella Sandford

Close-up of a hand gracefully resting on a naked woman’s torso, soft lighting accentuating the skin’s smooth texture against a dark background.


Sex and sexuality

Sexual sensation

What makes touch on some parts of the body erotic but not others? Cutting-edge biologists are arriving at new answers

David J Linden

Close-up of a white sea star larvae against a black background.



A spectacular, close-up look at the starfish with a ‘hands-on’ approach to parenting

5 minutes

Two beetles with translucent wings flying against a pink background.



Beetles take flight at 6,000 frames per second in this perspective-shifting short

9 minutes

Abstract art depicting DNA sequencing, with vertical bands of vibrant colours including yellow, red, blue and green, blending into each other with a glossy, reflective texture.



We are not machines

Welcome to the new post-genomic biology: a transformative era in need of fresh metaphors to understand how life works

Philip Ball

Microscopic view of various microorganisms and particles in a blue liquid, showing a large oval-shaped microorganism amidst smaller particles.



An elegy for a dying microbe explores what we really mean by ‘death’

9 minutes

Bright yellow bird building a nest with grass on a branch surrounded by green leaves.



For one of nature’s great builders, finding a mate means weaving the perfect nest

4 minutes

X-ray image of a single flower with visible petals, stem, and internal structures on a black background.


Philosophy of mind

Do plants have minds?

In the 1840s, the iconoclastic scientist Gustav Fechner made an inspired case for taking seriously the interior lives of plants

Rachael Petersen

Close-up image of a hand holding a pile of vibrant red powder, possibly a spice or pigment, displaying a textured and granular surface. The background is blurred, ensuring the focus remains on the red powder and the hand.



How the world’s richest reds are derived from an innocuous Mexican insect

5 minutes

Two embryos, colourised in shades of pink, orange, and purple, against a black background. The embryos have distinguishable head, body, and tail regions.



Building embryos

For 3,000 years, humans have struggled to understand the embryo. Now there is a revolution underway

John Wallingford

Overhead view of a person walking down a spiral staircase with yellow steps. The staircase creates a swirling visual effect.



Why do the building blocks of life possess a mysterious symmetry?

12 minutes