History of science
Legacy of the angels
When medieval scholars sought to understand the nature of angels, they unwittingly laid the foundations of modern physics
Rebekah Wallace
Childhood and adolescence
Hegemony and childcare
Early childhood development interventions in the Global South is a huge industry built on highly questionable assumptions
Francesca Mezzenzana & Gabriel Scheidecker
Deep time
The bookends of time
Nothing lasts forever: not humanity, not Earth, not the Universe. But finitude confers an indelible meaning to our lives
Thomas Moynihan
Beyond causality
In order to bridge the yawning gulf between the humanities and the sciences we must turn to an unexpected field: mathematics
Gordon Gillespie
Space exploration
How the Moon became a place
For most of history, the Moon was regarded as a mysterious and powerful object. Then scientists made it into a destination
Danny Robb
History of science
The birth of naturalism
The modern era is often seen as the triumph of science over supernaturalism. But what really happened is far more interesting
Peter Harrison
Chemical laws
Often dismissed as the poor cousin of the sciences, chemistry has revealed natural laws that illuminate our Universe
Vanessa A Seifert
Exploding the Big Bang
It was thought that science could tell us about the origins of the Universe. Today that great endeavour is in serious doubt
Daniel Linford
Human evolution
The eugenicist of UNESCO
Why did Julian S Huxley, first director of the UN agency, think eugenics held the key to a more evolved, harmonious world?
Stefan Bernhardt-Radu
The city of wisdom
Don’t be intimidated by physics: it is made of stories and metaphors. Learn these and the field will open up to you
Jamie Zvirzdin
Philosophy of science
The forces of chance
Social scientists cling to simple models of reality – with disastrous results. Instead they must embrace chaos theory
Brian Klaas
Space exploration
The rarely told story of the fruit flies, primates and canines that preceded us in space
12 minutes
Stars behaving absurdly
For centuries, the only way in which to illuminate the mysteries of black holes was through the power of mathematics
Steve Nadis & Shing-Tung Yau
History of science
Forwards, not back
Medicine aims to return bodies to the state they were in before illness. But there’s a better way of thinking about health
Kate MacCord & Jane Maienschein
History of science
Clock time contra lived time
Henri Bergson and Albert Einstein fundamentally disagreed about the nature of time and how it can be measured. Who was right?
Evan Thompson
Chasing ghost particles
Without the neutrino, the Universe might be an empty void. But this inscrutable particle isn’t giving up its secrets easily
Corey S Powell
Desperate remedies
In order to make headway on knotty metaphysical problems, philosophers should look to the methods used by scientists
Nina Emery
Psychiatry and psychotherapy
For those who hear voices, the ‘broken brain’ explanation is harmful. Psychiatry must embrace new meaning-making frameworks
Justin Garson
Computing and artificial intelligence
Mere imitation
Generative AI has lately set off public euphoria: the machines have learned to think! But just how intelligent is AI?
Deepak P
Illness and disease
Empowering patient research
For far too long, medicine has ignored the valuable insights that patients have into their own diseases. It is time to listen
Charlotte Blease & Joanne Hunt
We are not machines
Welcome to the new post-genomic biology: a transformative era in need of fresh metaphors to understand how life works
Philip Ball
History of science
His radiant formula
Stephen Hawking’s greatest legacy – a simple little equation now 50 years old – revealed a shocking aspect of black holes
Roger Highfield
Illness and disease
Getting past ‘it’s IBS’
While science illuminates the gut-brain relationship, doctors remain ignorant and dismissive of patients with gut problems
Xi Chen
Quantum theory
Quantum dialectics
When quantum mechanics posed a threat to the Marxist doctrine of materialism, communist physicists sought to reconcile the two
Jim Baggott