Cognition and intelligence
A father forgets his child’s name for the first time in this poetic reflection on memory
4 minutes
Moral resilience
Nurses experience deep suffering when they can’t act according to their moral compass. Our research shows a way forward
Cynda Hylton Rushton
Illness and disease
Empowering patient research
For far too long, medicine has ignored the valuable insights that patients have into their own diseases. It is time to listen
Charlotte Blease & Joanne Hunt
Pleasure and pain
Eulogy for silence
Tinnitus is like a constant scream inside my head, depriving me of what I formerly treasured: the moments of serene quiet
Diego Ramírez Martín del Campo
Illness and disease
Getting past ‘it’s IBS’
While science illuminates the gut-brain relationship, doctors remain ignorant and dismissive of patients with gut problems
Xi Chen
Biography and memoir
As her world unravels, Pilar wonders at the ‘sacred geometry’ that gives it structure
20 minutes
To the tune of dystonia
One day, my hand stopped speaking to my brain. As a doctor and flute player, I had to understand this strange affliction
Lynn Hallarman
Illness and disease
More than pink
The culture around breast cancer is full of positivity and femininity. But it comes at the expense of the marginalised
Philippa Hetherington
Technology and the self
Greetings from Green Bank – the small town where modern technology is banned
10 minutes
Illness and disease
The war on cancer
Is it time to abandon the century-old idea that cancer is best met with a ‘fight’ from patients and their doctors alike?
Elaine Schattner
Consciousness and altered states
Animal, vegetable, mineral
Cruel and unscientific, the ‘vegetative state’ diagnosis stems from a hierarchical and bigoted view of all living things
Ben Platts-Mills
Social psychology
Social contagions can cause genuine illness, and TikTok may be a superspreader
10 minutes
Mental health
The helpful delusion
Evidence is growing that mental illness is more than dysfunction, with enormous implications for treatment
Justin Garson
Illness and disease
Are they the canaries?
People with multiple chemical sensitivity seem to be allergic to the world. What, if anything, can medicine do for them?
Xi Chen
Mood and emotion
‘Let me dream you into my reality’: memories illuminate an unthinkable isolation
12 minutes
A massive art installation attempts to put the COVID-19 deaths in perspective
15 minutes
Stories and literature
Kafka the hypochondriac
Franz Kafka believed illness was at the root of his writing yet he embraced wellness fads with hearty vigour
Will Rees
Mood and emotion
Hope is not optimism
Even when you know that prospects are grim, hope can help. It’s not just a feeling, but a way to step into the future
David B Feldman & Benjamin W Corn
The body is not a machine
Modern biomedicine sees the body as a closed mechanistic system. But illness shows us to be permeable, ecological beings
Nitin K Ahuja
History of science
Healthcare workers of yore
Looking past conventional histories of medicine we see that women delivered much of medieval healthcare. Just as today
Sara Ritchey
Meaning and the good life
To know or not to know? Lillian weighs the costs of a life-changing genetic test
10 minutes
Food and drink
The food wars
Vitamins or whole foods; high-fat or low-fat; sugar or sweetener. Will we ever get a clear idea about what we should eat?
Amos Zeeberg
Pleasure and pain
Apocalypse, please
The COVID-19 pandemic, like other catastrophes before it, got some of us hooked on phobic energy and terror. Why?
Travis Alexander
Art from a mind at sea
Louise’s Parkinsonism didn’t tamp her artistic drive, but exposed the link between perception, thought and creativity
Michael P H Stanley