

Essays and videos on social issues, history, political life and the future
An ancient, broken clay tablet with a circular design and various inscriptions, displayed on a dark background.



How researchers finally solved the puzzle of the oldest known map of the world

18 minutes

Close-up of a person’s hand using a smartphone in a dimly lit room with blurred lights in the background. The phone screen shows the text ‘How can I help you today?’ and a text input field.


Computing and artificial intelligence

Mere imitation

Generative AI has lately set off public euphoria: the machines have learned to think! But just how intelligent is AI?

Deepak P

Weather map showing temperature, cloud cover, and other meteorological data across Ireland, the UK, and part of mainland Europe. Isobars are also depicted.


War and peace

A war meteorologist’s riveting account of how the Allies averted a D-Day disaster

6 minutes

Three women in traditional attire stand outdoors in a dry landscape. One person carries a child on their back while another holds a walking stick.



The Ju/’hoansi protocol

Hunter-gatherer societies are highly expert in group deliberation and decision-making which respects both difference and unity

Vivek V Venkataraman

Yellow warning sign with a black palm tree bent over in strong wind, signifying severe weather or wind conditions.


Information and communication

An animation built from road signs is a whirlwind study of flash communication

2 minutes

Illustration of two people high-fiving, with colourful abstract shapes around them representing conversation and connection.


Language and linguistics

The little Peruvian guide to public speaking that conjures up a grandiose world

7 minutes

Two people with backpacks reach towards each other with extended arms but are not touching. The text on the image reads ‘How do we touch when we can’t?’


Film and visual culture

‘Bags here are rarely innocent’ – how filmmakers work around censorship in Iran

8 minutes

A woman stands against a white wall, in a red top and blue jeans, extending an open hand forward. Subtitles at the bottom read ‘Let me show you.’


Language and linguistics

Closed captions suck. Here’s one artist’s inventive project to make them better

8 minutes

A colourful abstract drawing of two people talking on the left, and three others walking with baskets on the right. There are boats in the background and watercolour splashes.



Why are witchcraft accusations so common across human societies?

4 minutes

A busy public library reading room with people using desktop computers at wooden tables, surrounded by bookshelves and lit by large windows and chandeliers.


History of technology

Indexing the information age

Over a weekend in 1995, a small group gathered in Ohio to unleash the power of the internet by making it navigable

Monica Westin

Black-and-white photo of a man and a woman, seen from behind, on the deck of a boat, looking out to shore


Philosophy of language

Metaphors make the world

Woven into the fabric of language, metaphors shape how we understand reality. What happens when we try using new ones?

Benjamin Santos Genta

A puppet king in a red robe, holding a sceptre, stands in front of a decorative doorway, with one arm raised as if speaking or greeting.


Thinkers and theories

‘My art is oratory, Socrates.’ An ancient warning on the power and peril of rhetoric

4 minutes

A measure for depth of water stands upright in a dried up landscape that was formerly a lake


Information and communication

Beware climate populism

The most ardent deniers of anthropogenic climate change today will become the climate conspiracy theorists of tomorrow

Ákos Szegőfi

Two men escort a handcuffed man from a cabin with a wooden exterior. The men are wearing casual clothing, including a cowboy hat.


Information and communication

How to hate

The manifesto was always a hotheaded call to arms. Then it got a slick, digital makeover in the cause of coldblooded hate

Tyler Thier

A black and white shot shows three men sitting on a sea wall and seen from a diminishing perspective such that they represent a scale of size


Philosophy of language

The geometry of other people

Some friends are ‘close’. Others are ‘distant’. But our spatial descriptions of social life are more than just metaphors

David Borkenhagen

Three women chat in a field with sheep grazing nearby, a farmhouse in the background, and a cat walking along a path.


Information and communication

To converse well

A good conversation bridges the distances between people and imbues life with pleasure and a sense of discovery

Paula Marantz Cohen

Three figures are visible through dense fog, with two figures raising their arms and the middle figure standing with hands at sides.



The art of rules

Conceptual art often confounds. The key is to understand the rules of the artwork and the aesthetic experiences they yield

Sherri Irvin

A side profile of a man, a map titled “The Georgia Negro: A Social Study” showing the African slave trade routes, and a couple in period attire.


Information and communication

Mapping data visualisation’s meteoric rise from Victorian London to today

6 minutes

Two astronauts on the Moon, wearing white spacesuits with a US flag planted in the background, and the lunar module in the shadows.


History of technology

Who owns history? How remarkable historical footage is hidden and monetised

18 minutes

Black-and-white photo of people of various ages, including children, look intently through a shop window displaying several vintage TVs with antennas.


History of technology

The long-awaited arrival of TV to Shetland sparks debate in this vintage clip

9 minutes

A section of an old map featuring a centaur, the Tower of Babel labelled “Babilonia”, and surrounding medieval illustrations with Latin text.


Global history

The famed medieval map that stretched beyond Earth to heaven, history and myth

5 minutes

Medieval manuscript illustration of a person writing in a book, surrounded by a golden and decorative frame with text on the right side.


History of technology

We’ve always been distracted

Worried that technology is ‘breaking your brain’? Fears about attention spans and focus are as old as writing itself

Joe Stadolnik

Illustration of humanoid creatures with bat-like giant wings, in various activities near water and land, with a goat-like figure in the background.


History of science

Bat-people on the Moon – what a famed 1835 hoax reveals about misinformation today

8 minutes

A woman examines the Rosetta Stone in a library setting filled with shelves of books and documents.


The ancient world

What did the Rosetta Stone’s inscription actually communicate?

17 minutes