

Essays and videos on social issues, history, political life and the future
Sepia-toned photo of a person in formal Victorian attire, standing with a slightly tilted head, against an ornate backdrop.


Gender and identity

Requeering Wilde

Oscar Wilde is an icon of gay liberation from secrecy. But his life and his sexuality were not so simple – nor so binary

Sam Mills

Black and white photo of people gathered by the Berlin Wall, a couple embracing in the foreground.


Thinkers and theories

The necessity of Nussbaum

Martha Nussbaum’s philosophy is dynamic and challenging, but also elegant and lucidly written: she is the thinker of our time

Brandon Robshaw

A young woman and an older woman in a living room face the camera, one of them pointing towards it. The image has a webcam recording interface.



A filmmaker responds to Lars von Trier’s call for a new muse with a unique application

16 minutes

A woman walking on a dimly lit street pavement at night with a parked scooter and two men walking in the background, one appearing to follow her; the woman looks downcast, the man appears to be smiling.


Human rights and justice

Did you think you were safe?

When I moved to India for work, I found that rape was a feature of the country, as deeply embedded as caste

Evelyn Fok

Colourful painting depicting a range of people eating, drinking and engaging in other activities, with floral patterns.



Threads of resistance

Knitting and embroidery are laden with stereotypes of domestic femininity – and the subversive potential for protest

Gemma McKenzie

A woman on a sofa injecting her abdomen surrounded by stuffed toys on a shelf.


Technology and the self

Why single Chinese women are freezing their eggs in California

24 minutes

Painting of a man and woman in elegant 18th-century attire sitting on a pink sofa with ornate decoration.


History of ideas

Settling accounts

Before he was famous, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was Louise Dupin’s scribe. It’s her ideas on inequality that fill his writings

Rebecca Wilkin

Painting of two clothed men and a naked woman picnicking in a forest, with another woman in the background near a pond.



Creating art that was aware of itself – and the viewer – made Manet the first modernist

15 minutes

A historical painting of a woman in a detailed blue and silver gown with lace sleeves. She wears a pearl necklace and a hat adorned with white and pink flowers. The background features a golden tapestry and dark pillars.


Stories and literature

Her blazing world

Margaret Cavendish’s boldness and bravery set 17th-century society alight, but is she a feminist poster-girl for our times?

Francesca Peacock

Two people with backpacks reach towards each other with extended arms but are not touching. The text on the image reads ‘How do we touch when we can’t?’


Film and visual culture

‘Bags here are rarely innocent’ – how filmmakers work around censorship in Iran

8 minutes

A person with black hair and glasses, in a teal T-shirt with VIBES in rainbow text, and a backpack stands smiling in a garden with flowers and trees.



Born in China, Zee seeks a gender-affirming life in the American Midwest

11 minutes

A group of women, some wearing hijabs and masks, hold up signs with handwritten text in Arabic script during a protest.


Politics and government

How it looked to Afghan women to see the Taliban return to power

33 minutes

Illustration of a female group in white togas and red headbands, standing with arms raised before a flaming brazier in a Roman temple with columns.


The ancient world

The six priestesses who kept the flame of ancient Rome alight at risk of death

5 minutes

Artwork depicting a family group composed of angular lines and triangles, some but not all coloured, on a paper background


Family life

A patchwork family

After my marriage failed, I strove to create a new family – one made beautiful by the loving way it’s stitched together

Lily Dunn

A group of girls walk past the Washington Monument on the National Mall in Washington, DC


Gender and identity

Silencing of the girls

Girls are still in a bad bargain with patriarchy: the price of relationship is keeping their true thoughts to themselves

Carol Gilligan

A woman with grey hair lies down, partially covered with a colourful, patterned blanket against a textured wall.


Human rights and justice

Witch hunts persist as a horrifying, deadly reality in pockets of rural India

24 minutes

Two stick figures, one purple and one white, touching heads with scribbled lines above them, depicting a heated argument.



When aggression is viewed as brilliance, it hurts women in science, and science itself

5 minutes

Ancient Roman fresco depicting two figures engaging in an intimate moment on a bed, with a background of earthy tones and visible cracks in the surface.


The ancient world

The horrors of Pompeii

The name ‘Eutychis’ was etched into a wall 2,000 years ago. Finding out who she was illuminates the dark side of Rome

Guy D Middleton

Elderly person with a serious expression and a cigarette in their mouth, wearing a grey sweater, standing in front of a house with a curtain and wooden chair.



The ‘sworn virgins’ of Albania who trade femininity for freedom

10 minutes

Women wearing striped uniforms and medals, holding a Ravensbrück banner and umbrellas, participating in a commemorative event outdoors.



The life of Wanda Półtawska

Her closeness to Pope John Paul furnished him with anti-abortion ideals, fuelled by her survival of the Ravensbrück camp

Joy Neumeyer

A woman with a towel around her shoulders and hair clips sits in a salon, holding a cigarette and a mug, with a radio and beauty accessories on the counter.


Politics and government

Join the spirited debate at a women’s hair salon before a pivotal election in Tunisia

19 minutes

A sepia-toned, historical photograph of a woman sitting and reading a book, wearing a dark dress with puffed sleeves.


Human rights and justice

Lydia Maria Child, abolitionist

Taking up arms against slavery, the famous novelist foreshadowed the vexed role of the white woman activist today

Lydia Moland

An elderly man in chains suckles from a woman in a red dress while two guards observe through a barred window.



Milk, pity and power

Since antiquity, artists have depicted a perverse scene of a daughter breastfeeding her aged father. What does it mean?

Margie Orford

Construction workers sitting and standing around, some wearing hard hats, during a break outside a building, with a temporary orange safety fence visible.


Gender and identity

A manly divorce

Straight men rarely write about the end of their marriages. Our enduring ideas about gender explain this silence

Joshua Coleman