A prisoner in Guantánamo finds some escape in building intricate model ships
6 minutes
War and peace
A war meteorologist’s riveting account of how the Allies averted a D-Day disaster
6 minutes
War and peace
A century later, can poetry help us make sense of the First World War’s horrors?
9 minutes
Biography and memoir
Preserving memories of a Japanese internment camp, and the land where it stood
8 minutes
Nations and empires
Chastising little brother
Why did Japanese Confucians enthusiastically support Imperial Japan’s murderous conquest of China, the homeland of Confucius?
Shaun O’Dwyer
Stories and literature
On Jewish revenge
What might a people, subjected to unspeakable historical suffering, think about the ethics of vengeance once in power?
Shachar Pinsker
Politics and government
How it looked to Afghan women to see the Taliban return to power
33 minutes
History of technology
Why America fell for guns
The US today has extraordinary levels of gun ownership. But to see this as a venerable tradition is to misread history
Megan Kang
War and peace
Legacy of the Scythians
How the ancient warrior people of the steppes have found themselves on the cultural frontlines of Russia’s war against Ukraine
Peter Mumford
Human rights and justice
A reporter orphaned by night raids in Afghanistan investigates their cruel legacy
17 minutes
Global history
Reconstructed hemisphere
In the 19th century, civil wars tore apart the US, Mexico and Argentina. Then came democracy’s fight against reaction
Evan C Rothera
War and peace
The two Chomskys
The US military’s greatest enemy worked in an institution saturated with military funding. How did it shape his thought?
Chris Knight
Family life
Against her father’s warnings, Debra resolves to learn about his time in Auschwitz
4 minutes
War and peace
Chorus of testimony
Anne Frank’s diary is one of thousands of desperate, secret and vivid journals each bearing witness to the reality of war
Nina Siegal
Family life
The extraordinary story of a Black Holocaust survivor, as told by his daughter
21 minutes
Warfare as mercy and love
The daggers that knights carried to the crusades help us understand why they thought of holy war as an act of love
William Chester Jordan
Family life
In Rwanda, Sébastien finds traces of personal history in the wake of national tragedy
21 minutes
Human rights and justice
Meet the man who uncovered the scandal of nuclear testing in South Australia
13 minutes
War and peace
Trenches in Chernobyl
Disturbing and inhaling radioactive dust, in their haste Russian soldiers unburied the wrecked, undead Earth itself
Michael Marder
Human rights and justice
Exhuming the truth
Thousands of victims of political executions lie in anonymous graves. Forensics offers hope for the ‘forgotten’ ones
Nicole Iturriaga
War and peace
A peace activist’s harrowing account of nuclear war is a visceral case for disarmament
26 minutes
War and peace
The will to fight
Throughout history, the most effective combatants have powered to victory on commitment to core values and collective resolve
Scott Atran
Global history
With respect and friendship
For a century before the rise of European empires, Britons and North Africans lived together in amicable peace
Nat Cutter
War and peace
Before he leaves to go to war, Artem, 18, says goodbye to the man who raised him
12 minutes