

Essays and videos on social issues, history, political life and the future
Black and white photo of a group of people standing outdoors on a slope by a pond with trees and bushes in the background.



The script creator

Pau Cin Hau dreamt of an alphabet for a language that had never been written down. So began the religion of Laipianism

Bikash K Bhattacharya

Close-up photo of a wooden mask with fur eyebrows, hollow eyes, a rounded mouth opening and long black hair against a dark background.



Witches around the world

The belief in witches is an almost universal feature of human societies. What does it reveal about our deepest fears?

Gregory Forth

Photo of colourful light reflections on a dark tiled floor, possibly from a stained glass window in a dimly lit interior space.


Values and beliefs

My leap across the chasm

After years of debate and contemplation, I’ve come to think a heretical form of Christianity might be true. Here’s why

Philip Goff

A walking figure made of black shapes, with a pink ticket for “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy as its body, on a yellow background.


Meaning and the good life

‘Everydayness is the enemy’ – excerpts from the existentialist novel ‘The Moviegoer’

2 minutes

Photochrom image of a narrow street lined with Middle-Eastern buildings; people are walking down the middle of the street and some are holding umbrellas.


Nations and empires

The paradoxes of Mikha’il Mishaqa

He was a Catholic, then a rationalist, then a Protestant. Most of all, he exemplified the rise of Arab-Ottoman modernity

Peter Hill

A bustling 19th-century cityscape featuring a wide street with construction activity, carriages and pedestrians. Hills and a bridge are also visible under a cloudy sky.



Conscientious unbelievers

How, a century ago, radical freethinkers quietly and persistently subverted Scotland’s Christian establishment

Felicity Loughlin

Illustration of a female group in white togas and red headbands, standing with arms raised before a flaming brazier in a Roman temple with columns.


The ancient world

The six priestesses who kept the flame of ancient Rome alight at risk of death

5 minutes

A portrait of a man with glasses and a cap, adorned with garlands of flowers, and surrounded by strings of marigolds and leaves.



Inventing Hindu supremacy

Vinayak Savarkar ridiculed Gandhi, preaching that anti-Muslim violence was the only means to unite India into a nation

Mihir Dalal

Person holding a painting of Jesus Christ amid a rubble-strewn landscape with damaged buildings and trees in the background.



There was no Jesus

How could a cult leader draw crowds, inspire devotion and die by crucifixion, yet leave no mark in contemporary records?

Gavin Evans

A woman with grey hair lies down, partially covered with a colourful, patterned blanket against a textured wall.


Human rights and justice

Witch hunts persist as a horrifying, deadly reality in pockets of rural India

24 minutes

Marble statue depicting Apollo and Daphne, set against a detailed, ornate ceiling in a classical style room. Daphne is reaching upward with flowing hair.



The overlooked polymath whose theatrical oeuvre made all of Rome a stage

30 minutes

Men are seen in a nondescript office type rooma against sunlight streaming through the window, their hands raised in devotion



Indomitable Sufis

Once a centre of Afghan culture, Sufism seems to have disappeared in the maelstrom of war and upheaval. But still it survives

Annika Schmeding

Medieval illustration of a crowned figure, holding a sceptre, wearing a blue cloak over an intricately patterned robe, seated against a parchment background.



Hear from blasphemes, sceptics and free-thinkers in this ‘tour of medieval unbelief’

52 minutes

Two fashionably dressed women in modern style hijabs descend steps beneath a blue sky



Secularism in Iran

Postcolonial intellectuals and Iran’s rulers agree that secularism is just Western imperialism in disguise. They are wrong

Patrick Hassan & Hossein Dabbagh

Ancient bronze statue of a winged figure with raised hand, displaying a humanoid form and detailed feathered wings, set against a dark background.


The ancient world

Meet the absentee gods and nefarious spirits of ancient Mesopotamia

6 minutes

A black and white photo showing a group of men in traditional Middle Eastern attire, with two men seated in the foreground and several standing behind.



Praying in shoes

The Sunni movement of Salafism was born at the beginning of the 20th century, with the goal of modelling life on the 7th

Aaron Rock-Singer

Woman with brown hair in a “Jews for Reproductive Freedom” shirt smiling and holding papers and a water bottle at an outdoor event.



How Jewish leaders in the US are fighting abortion bans on religious grounds

24 minutes

A person gently caressing a calf’s head, both looking content, in a field during sunset.


Values and beliefs

How the plight of holy cows is used to radicalise teenagers in small-town India

24 minutes

A man in traditional attire with a colourful beaded headdress and a staff over his shoulder, standing outdoors.



Trek alongside spiritual pilgrims on a treacherous journey across Pakistan

6 minutes

Vintage black-and-white image of two young children standing outside, a boy wearing a jumper and a girl in a dress. They’re in the middle of explaining religion.



From God’s shoes to satellites in heaven – children weigh in on religion

8 minutes

A group of men wearing traditional Middle Eastern attire and formal coats gathered outdoors, one man in focus with a fez.


Nations and empires

The Arab Kingdom

Amid the chaos of the First World War, a new pan-Arab empire was proclaimed. It faltered, but its historical lessons remain

Adam Mestyan

Surreal painting of fantastical creatures engaged in various activities, including playing a musical instrument, riding animals, and interacting with each other.



Miracles not magic

It took a tremendous effort to distinguish early Christianity from the finely tuned world of pagan beliefs and rituals

Martha Rampton

Medieval illustration shows a knight kneeling before a monk in a building, receiving a cross-shaped item; a horse stands nearby.



Warfare as mercy and love

The daggers that knights carried to the crusades help us understand why they thought of holy war as an act of love

William Chester Jordan

Woman looking out of a stone building window; clothes drying on a line extend from an upper window above her.


Thinkers and theories

A philosophy of secrets

Jacques Derrida was fascinated by the figure of the Marrano Jew, whose identity could barely be told even to themselves

Peter Salmon